"Memento Mori"

Music by Degan

Dedicated to S. B.

"I don't expect to survive this. I'm at the point where I'm measuring my life in hours.
I'm in an apartment building. I can hear a sound above me-- knives scraping against the floor.
I remember he said something about his sins burning him up soon, and I see now what he meant.
I hear whispers, telling me to just give it all up.
And I can feel the Ichor within me, spreading. I cut myself on a nail about an hour ago, and no blood came out. It won't be long now.
One way or another, I am going to die soon.
And you know what? I'm OK with that.
I've killed people without hesitation, and afterward I'd come up with justifications for it, and I'd try to ignore that feeling in the back of my head that what I'm doing is wrong.
Guilt is the punishment for our sins, and I feel little else these days.
But my sins end tonight. I have no intention of becoming a puppet. Not again.
So, all you monsters? What are you waiting for?
I've got a machete on my right and a shotgun on my left. First prize goes to the one who brings me down.
My name is Joseph Amory Steward, and I'm ready for you.

So come and get me."

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